Combating antimicrobial resistance; everyone has a role to play.



To fight back antimicrobial resistance through promoting rational use of antimicrobials,conducting research on antimicrobial resistance,promoting behavioral change,reducing the incidence of infection and facilitating the dissemination of knowledge of antimicrobial resistance


To be a leader in fighting antimicrobial resistance in Africa and contribute to the global solutions to this public health threat.

Core Values

Highest Professional Standards




Community Participation

Good Stewardship

Welcome to Roll Back Antimicrobial Resistance Initiative (RBA-Initiative)

Roll Back Antimicrobial resistance Initiative (RBA Initiative) is a registered non –governmental organization in Tanzania whose aim is to fight back antimicrobial resistance. Headquartered in Dodoma, the center of the country, the organization sees both rural and urban communities as critical players in addressing antimicrobial resistance. The organization promotes the rational use of antimicrobials, conducts research on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and promotes behavioral change, with the aim of reducing the rate of infection due to AMR. The organization covers both rural and urban communities, working with schools, colleges and universities, health professionals, private individuals and policy makers across multiple sectors from health to agriculture to encourage them to mobilize and help prevent the spread of antimicrobial resistance(AMR).

Our Projects

Stories & Articles

The RBA Initiave took part at the International Society to Improve the Use of Medicines (ISIUM) Conference in Bangkok

The National Multisectoral Coordination Committee on AMR applauds the RBA Initiative's interventions on AMR.

The RBA Initiative participated at the Uppsala Antibiotic Days 2024, a multidisciplinary conference on AMR.

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Our Partners

Queen’s Commonwealth Trust

SS Partner

BUKO Pharma-Kampagne

Switzerland Embassy in Tanzania

Swiss TPH

PAR Foundation

South Centre

University of St Andrews
